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They are either reflective pieces on a conceptual issue that has arisen in class or a lab report-style write-up and critique about a project or experiment carried out.

Response 4

Mind Map

An interactive visualization of the class contents

Pi Ko
May 20, 2022

💻 Note : Please view the article on computer for best experience.
When ready, click on Go to Mindmap Button on the bottom left.


This is an interactive mindmap which synthesizes the content of this semester class material and discussions in a visual representation. There will be not much text here since most of the texts are embedded in the mindmap itself.

  • - Click on the nodes to reveal more information (e.g. texts, images) related to the node.
  • - The opacity of the connections are adjusted when you click on each nodes.
  • - After selecting a node, click on black area to deselect it.
  • - You can drag with mouse/trackpad to pan around the mindmap.
  • - Use scroll to zoom in/out.

❗ When you are ready, make sure that you click on "Go to Mindmap" button to properly center the mindmap in your browser.

Technology Used

I am using D3.js, which is a industry-standard JavaScript library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations in web browsers.


There has been no technical challenges while writing the code and getting it to work. However, some of the connections among the nodes are confusing to make because these connections are purely subjective on my opinions.

✓ Ready to Grade - 20th May 2022

Add your own thoughts, comments, and opinions.

*To add image, search an image on Google in new tab, and tap the track pad with your two fingers hard on the image chosen. Then select Copy Image Address, and paste the link above .jpg, jpeg, webp and png files only.

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